Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Blog #5

Over this spring break I went to Portland to go watch a basketball game. The game was against the Portland Trailblazers VS Oklahoma City Thunder. Before the game started we walked around Portland and went shopping. The arena that they were playing in wasn’t that far away from our hotel so we just walked. There were so many people there. I don’t think I had ever seen that many people, the whole arena was packed! Even though Portland did not win the game it was still amazing and so much fun! After the game we walked around the whole arena to see if we could find the players buses, but they weren’t there so we just went back to the hotel. The next day we had to go back home, on the way we stopped in Seattle. In Seattle we went and saw the Space Needle. The Space Needle is a huge building and you go up in an elevator and you can see all of Seattle through the elevator doors and at the top you can walk around but it is so windy! After we went shopping and then it was time to go home. Well that’s what I did over spring break!

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