Thursday, 2 February 2012

Blog #1

My name is Jasmeen. I was born in Penticton on January 5, 1998. I live with my mom, dad, brother, aunt, uncle, and my two cousins. My favourite colors are purple, green, yellow and blue.  My favourite season is fall because it’s not too hot or too cold. In the summer I like to spend time with my friends and family, go to the pool to cool off, and play sports, especially soccer. I figure skate all throughout winter, fall, and spring. I have been skating for 4 years now; this year is going to be my 5th year. In my spare time I like read, watch TV, or go on Facebook. My favourite book is called Ruined, and my favourite TV show is Pretty Little Liras. I hate cheaters, liars and I hate getting homework on the weekend because it takes up my spare time. My favourite music is rap and R&B. My favourite music artists are Drake, Justin Bieber, BeyoncĂ©, Wiz Khalifa, Kanye West, David Guetta, and Nicki Minaj. I really want to go to New York City, and Paris. One of my goals is to travel the world. When I grow up I want to be a criminal investigator.

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