Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Blog #3

Adrenaline is the feeling of fear, excitement, and nervousness all at the same time. Right before my first competition I got really nervous, anxious, and excited all at once. As I was standing waiting for them to call our names for us to warm up, I started getting all worked up, and scared and my legs and hands start to shake and all I can think about is what if I mess up, or forget what I’m supposed to do. As they called all of our names, I felt this rush of adrenaline go through me. After we were all done warming up, I got off the ice and waited for my turn. While I was waiting I started freaking out and my coach had to help calm me down so that I could go on the ice. I waited for them to call my name and once they did I got really excited and nervous and I stepped on the ice, went to my spot and waited for my music to begin. Once my music started playing all the fear was gone. When I finished my solo I was happy that I made it through and didn’t fall. I got off the ice and now all that was left to do was wait for the results.

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